Monday, January 30, 2012

Vocabulary Words 1-30-12: What is your favorite day of the week?

A large percentage of my week is composed of work. This makes me abhor Mondays because I know that I have a lot of work ahead of me. Every day that I have to calibrate my alarm clock to wake me up at 6:30am is a day that I will not enjoy very much. In addition, my agnates are extremely cranky when thy wake up early. Because of these reasons, my favorite day of the week is a Saturday, and is connate because my sisters and parents share this trait.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Vocabulary Words 1-17-12: My hardest midterm will be... because....

It is amorphous which midterm will be the most difficult for me. Each class needs a different type of studying, especially those that constantly go off on tangents. During midterms it is clear that the classes that must be constantly quelled by the teacher are going to be the most salient to study for. That being said, my hardest midterm will most likely be my Spanish midterm. Every day we manage to get less and less done and have more to study for independently.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Vocabulary Words 1-10-12: Describe your favorite movie!!

When I attempt to elucidate the Rocky Horror Picture Show, I can never manage to make it pellucid enough for people to understand. It begins in Denton, Ohio nicknamed "The Home of Happiness". A young couple become engaged and decide to meet the man who's science refresher course brought them together, Dr. Scott. On the way they pass a castle that has a malevolent energy, but ignore it until they get a flat tire. The only place around for miles is the castle, and it is pouring outside. The couple decide that it is their only option, so they walk to the house in the hopes of finding a phone. Unfortunately, they find a mysterious staff at the castle, and meet a transvestite named Dr. Frank-N-Furter. Brad and Janet, the engaged couple, end up trapped in the house and go through experiences that they could never have imagined. When all hope was gone for the young couple, Dr. Scott appears at the castle, looking for his nephew who was killed and eaten by the transvestite. They all are taken over by the alien doctor until the servants, Magenta and Riff-Raff, claim that Dr. Frank-N-Furter's lifestyle on this planet is too extreme. They then kill the doctor and let the humans go. Although Dr. Scott, Janet, and Brad escaped the castle, nothing could palliate the fear and pain that their memories caused

Friday, January 6, 2012

Romantic Literature 1-6-12:

·      After the confrontation between Heathcliff and Edgar, Catherine becomes ill and spirals out of control. She is her usual dramatic self, picturing that she is at Wuthering Heights and crying over her lack of visitors. It is unclear whether Catherine is actually sick or if it is mental illness or if she is just trying to get attention, but it is clear that she is letting her emotions distract her from rationality. One of the characteristics of Romantic literature is emotions winning over rationality, which occurs a lot throughout Wuthering Heights, proving that it is a romantic novel as well as a gothic book.
·      Gothic literature and romanticism both have supernatural as a characteristic. There are many examples of supernatural events, the most recent being Catherine in chapter 12 when she claimed that she was sick. She was raving about her childhood and claimed that she could see Heathcliff and Wuthering Heights outside her window. Nelly says that this was impossible, but there is no proof other than Catherine’s tendency to exaggerate and create drama.